আসসালামু আলাইকুম ওয়া রাহমাতুল্লাহ। বাংলা ও ইংরেজী ভাষায় প্রকাশিত মানসম্মত ইসলামিক বই ডাউনলোড করুন পি ডি এফ ফরম্যাটে। পরিবার ও বন্ধুদের সাথে ওয়েবসাইটটি শেয়ার করুন। জাযাকাল্লাহু খাইরান। May peace and blessings of Almighty Allah be on you. Download quality Islamic books in Bangla and in English in PDF format from this site. Share with your family and friends. Jazakallahu Khairan.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
সীরাতে ইবনে হিশাম
রাসূলুল্লাহ (সা) এর মৃত্যুর প্রায় ১৩০ বছর পর ইবনে ইসহাক লিখেছিলেন সবচেয়ে বিশাল এবং অত্যন্ত নির্ভরযোগ্য সিরাত। (যদিও সিরাত শব্দের অর্থ যাত্রা or Journey, কিন্তু আরবীতে সিরাত বলতে রাসূলুল্লাহ(সা) এর জীবনীকেই বোঝানো হয়)। ইবনে ইসহাক রচিত সীরাতটি সুবিশাল হওয়ায় তা যদিও গবেষকদের জন্য খুবই গুরুত্বপূর্ন কিন্তু সাধারণ পাঠকের জন্য তা পাঠ করা দুরূহ। আরেক ইসলামী পন্ডিত ইবনে হিশাম, ইবনে ইসহাক রচিত সীরাত-এ কোন কিছুই সংযোজন না করে, বরং অনেক ঘটনাই বাদ দিয়ে সাধারণ পাঠকের জন্য অপেক্ষাকৃত সহজে পাঠযোগ্য এই সংস্করণটির সংকলন করেন। সীরাতে ইবনে ইসহাক লেখা হয়েছিল বুখারী শরীফেরও আগে। আর, সিরাতে ইবনে হিশামকেও ইসলামী সাহিত্যের অন্যতম সহীহ তথা নির্ভুল গ্রন্থ হিসাবে ধরা হয়।
Monday, 9 July 2012
Facts and fictions about Imam Mahdi - Yasir Qadhi
Do you know that the Holy Ka'ba was invaded in 1979, blood was shed, only because some people claimed that they found the true Mahdi. Even the well known Ulamas of that time were confused by the resemblance of that fake Mahdi (Muhammad ibn Abdullah) with the one Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) described. How would you know that a person is not Mahdi if he demands so? For example, the Ahmedia Movement demands that Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani was the Mahdi. How would you prove to them that he was a fake person demanding himself as Mahdi. Yasir Qadhi - in this very important lecture tells the Makkah invading story of Juhaiman Ibn Utaiba, and he also tells the signs of true Mahdi, such as
1) His name (by birth) would be Muhammad ibn Abdullah
2) He will flee from Madina to Makka, a group of people will be chasing after him
3) He will have long forhead, sharp nose
4) He will be similar to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in manners but not in look
5) He will be a descendent of Imam Hasan (R) most probably or Imam Hosain (R)
6) In early part of his life he will not be among the best of the pious men of that time, but one night he will repent and Allah will change his heart and he will become the most pious man
7) He will rule the world for 7 years and only then Dajjal will come
8) People will identify him during Fajr Prayer, in Masjid Al Haram, and people will start taking his bayah (leadership) while he will be standing between Makam-e-Ibrahim and Hajr-e-Aswad.
9) A large group of followers from Khorasan (now Iraq,Iran or Afghanistan) will come to join him.
10) At the time of his arrival Muslims will be in great loss and torture at every corner of the world. But Mahdi will bring great peace throughout the world. Mahdi will rule the world with great justice and happiness for 7 years.
11) His team will fight against Dajjal but will not be able to beat Dajjal
12) Isa Ibn Maryam will return to earth, flying on the shoulders of two angels, in a masjid at Damascus (Syria) at the time of Fajr prayer when Imam Mahdi will about to start Fajr prayer.
13) And this is the last mention of Mahdi in Sahih Hadith. We do not know what will happen to him when Isa Ibn Maryam comes.
and so on ...
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
Dr. Zakir Naik book collection / ডাঃ জাকির নায়েকের বই
Dr. Zakir Naik Books (Bangla & English)
(PDF Format)
1. Terrorism and Zihad by Dr. Zakir Naik (In Bengali 1 2) (In English)
2. The Moon and The Holy Quran by Dr. Zakir Naik (In Bengali) (In English)
3. Quran and Bible: In the light of Science by Dr. Zakir Naik (In Bengali) (In English)
4. Hinduism and Islam by Dr. Zakir Naik (In Bengali) (In English)
5. Interest Free Economics by Dr. Zakir Naik (In Bengali) (In English)
6. Islam is the solution for Humanity by Dr. Zakir Naik (In Bengali) (In English)
7. Why the west is coming back to islam by Dr. Zakir Naik (In Bengali) (In English)
8. Women's right in Islam by Dr. Zakir Naik (In English)
9. Focus on Islam by Dr. Zakir Naik (In English)
10. Universal Brotherhood by Dr. Zakir Naik (In English)
11. The Quran and the modern Science by Dr. Zakir Naik (In English)
12. Life of Dr. Zakir Naik by Dr. Zakir Naik (In Bengali) (In English)
13. Is the Quran God's Word by Dr. Zakir Naik (In Bengali) (In English)
14. Replies to the most common questions asked by the non Muslims by Dr. Zakir Naik (In Bengali) (In English)
15. Concept of God in major religions by Dr. Zakir Naik (In Bengali) (In English)
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